An E-way bill is a single, nationwide electronic waybill for the movement of goods that can be generated on the common portal by transporters. The purpose of the e-way bill is to capture the information pertaining to the inter-state supply of goods, movement of goods, and transport of goods in any form other than cash.
जीएसटी अधिकारियों को अब राष्ट्रीय राजमार्गों पर चलने वाले वाणिज्यिक वाहनों की आवाजाही के बारे में भी रीयल-टाइम जानकारी मिलेगी। वाणिज्यिक वाहनों द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले ई-वे बिल सिस्टम को अब FASTag और RFID के साथ एकीकृत कर दिया गया है। इससे कमर्शियल वाहनों की सही मॉनिटरिंग होगी और जीएसटी चोरी का पता लगाया जा सकेगा।
यह नया फीचर जीएसटी अधिकारियों के ई-वे बिल मोबाइल एप में जोड़ा गया है। इसके जरिए वह ई-वे बिल की वास्तविक जानकारी जान सकेंगे। इससे उन्हें कर चोरी करने वालों और ई-वे बिल सिस्टम का दुरुपयोग करने वालों को पकड़ने में मदद मिलेगी।
ई-वे बिल सिस्टम में औसतन 25 मिलियन मालवाहक वाहन चलते हैं|
GST टैक्स के तहत 28 अप्रैल 2018 से व्यापारियों और ट्रांसपोर्टरों के लिए पचास हजार रुपये से अधिक के माल की अंतरराज्यीय बिक्री और खरीद पर ई-बिल तैयार करना और दिखाना अनिवार्य है। ई-वे बिल प्रणाली में, देश में औसतन लगभग 25 लाख मालवाहक वाहन 800 से अधिक टोल बिंदुओं के माध्यम से प्रतिदिन चलते हैं।
इस नई प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से अधिकारी उन वाहनों की रिपोर्ट देख सकेंगे जो पिछले कुछ मिनटों के दौरान बिना ई-वे बिल के टोल प्वाइंट पार कर चुके हैं। साथ ही एक राज्य के लिए आवश्यक सामान ले जाने वाले वाहनों के टोल पार करने की भी खबरें देखी जा सकती हैं. इन रिपोर्टों का उपयोग कर अधिकारी वाहनों के संचालन की समीक्षा करते समय कर सकेंगे।
एमआरजी एसोसिएट्स के सीनियर पार्टनर रजत मोहन ने कहा, “व्यावसायिक वाहन वाहनों और वस्तुओं की आवाजाही की निगरानी के लिए सटीक जानकारी के साथ कर चोरी को रोकने में मदद करेंगे।”
पिछले महीने सरकार ने एक रिपोर्ट में कहा था कि देश में मार्च 2021 तक यानी पिछले तीन साल के दौरान कुल 180 करोड़ ई-बिल जारी किए गए। जिसमें से केवल सात करोड़ ई-बिल की पुष्टि कर अधिकारी ही कर पाए। सरकारी आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, अंतरराज्यीय आवाजाही के लिए सबसे ज्यादा ई-वे बिल जेनरेट राज्य गुजरात, महाराष्ट्र, हरियाणा, तमिलनाडु और कर्नाटक हैं।
What is E-Way Bills and uses of Eway bill.
The Indian government has recently launched a digital waybill system that is mandatory for any movement of goods within the country. It can be used by a person, vehicle or vessel to carry goods worth more than INR 50,000 to transport from one state to another and Interstate to Interstate.
When did the Eway bill come into force?
As decided in the GST Council meeting held on September 6, 2017, the E-Way Bill system will be implemented in a staggered manner. It will be rolled out for inter-state movement of goods from April 1, 2018, and for intra-state movement from July 1, 2018.
E-way bill is an electronic waybill in India that will replace the physical waybill from April 1st, 2018. It is a document that the supplier and transporter need to generate for every consignment of goods transported by any mode of transport for more than 10 km.
On March 1, 2018, the Government of India introduced the E-Way Bill as a part of the implementation of the Goods and Service Tax (GST) in India. The aim of this E-Way Bill is to reduce corruption and black money in business. It is also an effort to reduce the number of check posts on the Indian border. The E-Way Bill provides a way to monitor transactions for taxation purposes by way of an electronic system.
The e-way bill is a document that records the movement records of goods. It is a 16-digit document that’s generated online by all registered taxpayers in India. The number is specific to each of the states. The document is required to be generated by all taxpayers to note the movement of goods within the states.
A E-way bill is a document that is prepared in electronic form and is generated based on information received in respect of the inter-state supply of goods. The E-way bill is a unique document that provides complete details of the consignment (for instance, name and address of the consignor, full address of the consignee, details of goods such as goods description, quantity, value etc.).
The Benefit of the E way bill to the government
With a view to checking tax evasion and boosting revenue for the government, the government of India has brought into force the latest version of the electronic bill (e-bill) system for the transportation of goods transported. The e-bill is a copy of an invoice issued by a registered seller along with details of the supply of goods.
The E-way bill is a form that is necessary to be filled by the person who is responsible for transporting goods, which are taxable in nature. The form is required to be filled in when the distance of travel exceeds 10 kilometrers.
Eway bill is the Unified Bill which has been designed to simplify the procedures and check tax evasion. It is an electronic way bill which will be generated by the GSTN system for movement of goods. This system will ensure that the taxes are paid as per the Central and State GST laws.
Where Does the E-way bill Apply
E-waybill is a document required for the movement of goods from one place to another in India. It acts as an invoice for goods to be transported. It is used by all types of transportation service providers such as air, rail, road, sea, and inland waterway. Transport Bill can also be called a Commercial Invoice or Delivery Note or Transport Receipt.
If you are looking for the E waybill helpline for assistance then you have landed on the right page. Here you can find the toll-free helpline number of E-waybill for your reference. You can use this helpline number to get help and support from E-waybill anytime anywhere.
Rule OF E-way Bill
All Registered Suppliers will have to generate an E-way bill before sending the goods and the number or printout of that E-way Bill will have to be attached to the Bill.
In the E Way Bill Km Limit it is said that if the goods are sent within the state and less than 10 km distance, then it will be necessary to generate the E-way Bill but it will not need to fill the Vehicle Number. This is the E Way Bill Km Rules.
If the supplier has generated an E-way bill and the goods could not be sent for any reason, then this E-Way bill can be canceled within 24 hours.
E-way Bill is also not required to send goods that do not have GST.
The goods being sent should be related to any work such as branch transfer, repair etc. and if the value of that goods is more than 50 thousand, then it is necessary to generate an E-way bill.
How Registration Of E-way Bill
Step 1. Go to e way bill portal:
You have to go to the official website of e way bill and log in on the official website of E-way bill.
Step 2. Registration:
Click here on the option of e-bill registration in the drop-down menu of the registration option, it will take you to the e-bill registration form.
Step 3. E-Way Bill Registration Form:
Enter your GST Number (Gst-in) in the first option in the form, after filling the captcha code below it, click on Go. After clicking on Go, the complete e-bill registration form will open in front of you.
Step 4. E-bill Registration Form:
Here you have to fill the e-bill registration form.
Enter GST-in –
Fill in your Gst-in number.
Applicant Name –
Write the name of the applicant.
Business Name –
Write the name of your business.
Address –
Write your address.
Mobile Number –
Write your mobile number.
Step 5. Click on “Send OTP”.
Now after filling in all the information, you have to click on Send Otp Option near the Mobile Number. Enter the OTP that will come on your Registered Mobile Number, enter it in the box and click on the option of Verify OTP.
Step 6. Create a New User Id And Password:
Now you have to create your Username Id and Password, after that is done. As soon as your username ID and password are validated and accepted by the system, your e-bill registration process is completed.
So in this way you will be able to register the bill.
We all know that a good E-waybill system is an important part of the logistics process. But it can be difficult to find the time and money to implement such a system. Here are some tips on how to find the right E-waybill system for your business.
If you are getting anxious about a ‘how to do E-waybill’, you can connect with our team. We will give you the best guidance and support for filling the same. The E-waybill is a very important process and is bound by the customs and excise department of India.
Eway Bill Help Desk Number
1800 103 4786